[3] The modern frontend architectures: Which should you choose?

[3] The modern frontend architectures: Which should you choose?

Check out the previous articles about modern frontend application architecture:

Before diving into which frontend architecture you should choose, let’s go over and review the two types of modern frontend application architectures.

Monolithic Architecture

Monolithic architecture refers to an integrated software project. All aspects of the program are integrated into a single venture. All processes are inextricably linked, and as a result, the entire architecture must be expanded if the demand for one of them increases. As the codebase gets bigger, adding or improving the function of a monolithic program becomes more challenging.

Microservices Architecture

Microservice architecture is where several small services come together to form a single system. Because each service is small, independent, and loosely coupled, applications built using microservices can be deployed independently and updated without having to redeploy the entire program and restart it. Cloud and container environments are both well-suited to this architecture.

So, which should you choose?

There are both advantages and disadvantages to both monolithic and microservice architectures, and developers should keep these in mind when designing an app. Some key factors to think about are as follows:

(Photo by Jason Strull on Unsplash)

Your application’s complexity
Monoliths are still preferred by many simple applications because they are easy to build and deploy. Microservices, on the other hand, are more complex and may benefit applications of higher complexity. If you are developing a simple forum or basic eCommerce store, for example, a monolith may work well.

The size and skills of your team
The structure of your application should be based on the skill sets and the number of developers working on it. If your team has no microservices experience, building a microservices-based application may be difficult, whereas monolithic applications might also be preferable for one or a few developers. Microservices can be beneficial if your team is already skilled at deploying microservices with a plan to expand your team in the future.

As applications become more complex and challenging to manage, architecture may also become more so. As an application's functionality grows over time and its team grows, microservices may help scale it. Monoliths, on the other hand, are ideal for applications with narrower applicability.

Development time and cost
Keep in mind that the cost of building your application and the timeline to deploy it also need to be taken into account. Monolithic applications might be more costly upfront, but they can be created quicker and be cheaper in the long run. The initial resources required to develop microservices are usually high, but scaling an application in the future might save money.


Both monolithic and microservices have their pros and cons. By the type of your business and application, it’s important to define what you’re looking for first and decide which would fit better for your team and technology.